Okay, I know this has taken me FOREVER - but in my defense I was waiting to download some pictures and then our freezer/fridge broke so we were preoccupied with that. So here we are. It's been a while. We had a great 4th of July - BBQ'd with some friends and then watched (yes, I said watched not made fireworks) from our bedroom window. Andy's studying hard for the bar - two weeks from today, so it's really crunch time. I'm glad it's him and not me. Other than that we've just been hanging out - we did go to the beach with my neighbor. Her aunt has a beach house there and so she took her two kids and I took Tal and Naomi - it was really fun. We also went and saw Sicko - it's Michael Moore's new movie about health care reform. Now, before you swear it off - give it a chance he actually makes some pretty good points (Sorry I know we're kind of hard-up for entertainment down here) I guess that's it. What I want to know is where is Dustin - he hasn't blogged for like a week. Also, I just want you all to know that I check your blogs everyday even if I don't post very regularly.