We have a Tooth Fairy "situation" at our house.
We were excited when Talmage lost his first tooth in May. Knowing that the tooth would get lost quickly I told him to go put it under his pillow so that the tooth fairy could get it after he went to sleep. I forgot and changed his sheets in the middle of the day (what are the chances that he actually listens to what I say
and I wash sheets all in one day). After scouring the floor for the lost tooth I assured him the tooth fairy was trained for these kinds of emergencies and that she would be able to find it.
She must have found it because he got his money...problem solved.
Two days later, he unbuckled his seatbelt as we were driving home. I hit the brakes, out came tooth number two. So again he put his tooth under the pillow. The next morning, he came into the bathroom with
the saddest look on his face and HUGE crocodile tears streaming down his cheeks. It took me about two seconds to realize that our "tooth fairy" had decided to hit the sack a little early and had clearly forgotten her duty. Tal was heartbroken! I tried to reassure Talmage that she was simply overbooked and that as long as his tooth was still there she would come the next night.
THEN, he went to make sure the tooth was still under his pillow and found his
first tooth laying on the carpet! What kind of a slacker-tooth-fairy do we have??
Luckily, she left a very nice note the next night explaining all about being overbooked and the difficulty fairies have locating lost teeth. She even left a bonus for the recovery of the lost tooth. What a smart fairy.

This is Talmage, huddled in the corner, "the morning after" the tooth fairy forgot him.