Monday, November 14, 2011
Nap Time.
Where do you want to go? Nowhere.
Andy and I were laughing yesterday on our way home from church...typically, Elisabeth is exhausted after church and crashes as soon as she gets into her car seat. But yesterday, she just sat and stared at the side of her seat for several minutes before finally falling asleep. She looked so pitiful...
Tal and Naomi
Tal and Naomi are the best. Right after school started I walked past Tal's room while he and Naomi were playing. This is what I heard.
Tal: Naomi, if I walk past you at school you say, "Hey bro," and then I'll say, "Hey sis." Let's try it.
Naomi: Hey bro.
Tal: Not like that. That's too forgiving (clearly not understanding the word...) More like this, "hey, bro." (his best cool-kid imitation)
Naomi: Oh, okay. "Hey bro."
Tal: Hey sis. (literally shrugging his shoulders in his nonchalant, no-big-deal, I-run-into-my-"sis"-everyday voice)
It was awesome. I can't wait to see Tal practicing in the mirror.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Calvin: Mom, I not hab a dood feelin bout dis. (Mom, I don't have a good feeling about this)
Calvin said this on our way to Stake Conference... I never have a great feeling about taking four tazmanian devils to sit through a two-hour meeting either.
Calvin: Mom, I cidenty boke you watsh. Sawy. (Mom, I accidentally broke your watch. Sorry)
Luckily, for Calvin it was already broken. This was his first attempt at "accidentally"...not his first attempt at breaking something...he has a knack for that.
Calvin: Mom, Yisbef on de counta adain. (Mom, Elisabeth is on the counter again.)
He's so good to keep tabs on his little sister for me. I'm sure she loves it too.
I love this stage of Calvin's development. I understand most of the things he is saying - but he still says them in such a cute way!
Monday, November 7, 2011
I'm sorry.
Mom: Tal, I've been feeling badly about getting mad at you for peeing all over my toilet.
Tal: That's okay mom.
Mom: Do you forgive me?
Tal: I'll always forgive you.
There's no way I can measure up. Kids are just too good.
Love these girls.
I love my girls. Not only because it's fun to have someone to do "girly" things with but also because there is something so special between sisters. I love having three sisters and I am so glad my girls get to experience that special bond!
Funny Elisabeth
This girl is exploding with attitude. In the last two weeks she has mastered the art of standing with her hands on her hips and crossing her arms and shouting an emphatic, "No!"
It's really quite embarrassing. She doesn't really care who she's yelling at. If someone does or says something she doesn't like she is going to tell them.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
We read you Zordon...

Those of you who know who "Zordon" is will truly appreciate our themed Halloween costumes this year.
Last year I knew that if I was going to convince my kids to dress alike again I was going to have to bring it to their level. I really love seeing my kids dressed alike so...Power Rangers Unite!
There are many, many different versions of the power rangers so we don't exactly match but it was close enough.
Apparently, there aren't very many 2 year old little girls wanting to dress like the pink power ranger so Elisabeth had to settle for being the hulked-up blue power ranger. She owned it.
Oh, and this was the first year we actually tried to carve our pumpkins. I got one of those carving kits on clearance last year...not too hard and loads of fun!
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