Tal: Speed Limit 45 miles per hour. Slow down mom. Slow down! Slow Down!
Me: (Okay, starting to get irritated) Why Tal?
Tal: There's a sign that says slow down. You don't need to read the signs the rest of the way, I'll read them for you. 45 miles per hour. Crosswalk. One way. 45 miles per hour. 45 miles per hour. Stop. Lakeshore. Watch for standing water. Watch for ice on the bridge. Ice on the bridge. Ice on the BRIDGE! 45 miles per hour.
Naomi: Why do you keep saying 45 miles per hour?
Tal: Because its the best speed. Right mom?
Calvin: 45 miles per hour.
Naomi: Stop sign.
Talmage: One way. 45 miles per hour.
Calvin: Green Light. Red Light. Orange Light.