Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our Modern Family Moment...

Last week after school Tal shared a new discovery with me.

Tal: Mom, I know why we're not supposed to point.
Me: Oh really? Why?
Tal: Because it means shit.

I laughed. I know I shouldn't have but it was really funny. Really, really funny. After I got it together, I explained to him that that is not what it means and explained a little about why we don't point and why we don't say that word. His response? Well, that's what all the kids in my class think it means. Nice. Really, nice.

It reminded me of another time last year. We were all sitting around watching a movie and out of nowhere...

Naomi: What the hell is that?
Andy and I: (dumbfounded silence and then...we laughed)

She did not like that at all. Apparently, an overly sensitive, highly emotional 5 year old girl does not appreciate being laughed at. But. It was funny.

I think the reason it is so funny is that my kids are clueless about cuss words so they just stick them into sentences randomly and completely nonchalantly. Good times. And funny. Really, really, funny.


Julia said...

I am laughing so hard that I snorted! Twice!! AHHH!!!!! Thanks! I think I will remember that all week long! AAAHH HA HA HA

Rachel said...

Your kids say the funniest things I've ever heard! You should write a book of their quotes. I'd be the first to purchase.