So today at lunch I made Naomi the usual: a PB & J. However, instead of eating eat she took the sandwich apart and starting rubbing the peanut butter in her hair. I guess our days with peanut butter are over.
Talmage is just getting to "know" about Santa Clause. So Sunday on the way home from church we were trying to explain how he worked in 3 year old terms. Pretty soon, Tal looked up from his car seat and exclaimed, "I LOVE Santa! He's like, like, like Jesus." So much for the spiritual learning taking place in our home!

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
It's a ... Boy ??
Hi all,
Well, that's right it looks like another little boy is on his way. We are really excited - not that we don't love Naomi - but she has really given us a run for our money!! I had an ultrasound the other day and the technician thinks it may be a little guy. I am only 14 weeks so it's really early to tell - she said not to buy anything yet - but I've attached pictures so you can see for yourself . We really like the name Calvin - I know it's a little unique but then I guess it fits :)

Well, that's right it looks like another little boy is on his way. We are really excited - not that we don't love Naomi - but she has really given us a run for our money!! I had an ultrasound the other day and the technician thinks it may be a little guy. I am only 14 weeks so it's really early to tell - she said not to buy anything yet - but I've attached pictures so you can see for yourself . We really like the name Calvin - I know it's a little unique but then I guess it fits :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Okay don't get excited - I am not having twins. The other day I was watching Nickelodeon (look - every self-respecting mom does it) and I came across this show - Zoey 101. Anyway the star of the show is Jaime Lynn Spears (Britney's little sister) - I swear this girl is THE twin of Jessica (my little sis). I couldn't peel my eyes away. I found a picture to compare but you actually have to watch her in action to get the whole effect. The similarities are amazing! I guess if Jessica is Jaime Lynn Spears - that would make me Britney - not an entirely bad thing (in the 1998 "Hit me baby one more time" kind of way) Love you!

Jaime Lynn Spears

Jessica Lynn Draper

Jaime Lynn Spears

Jessica Lynn Draper
Daylight Savings Time
I want to know whose bright idea daylight savings time was? It couldn't have been a mom because there is not much worse in the world then expecting your children to spontaneously adjust their internal clocks twice a year. Maybe I'll start a petition.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Perfect Daddy
So Tal has taken to asking me where his "Perfect Daddy" is when Andy is at work. I have no idea where he got that - it certainly wasn't from me :) It is really funny. What I want to know is what about "perfect Mommy"? He never talks about her. Although, the other day he said, "my perfect Daddy is crazy" so I guess I'm not perfect but I'm not crazy either :)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Worth waiting for?
What is it with this kid :)
Jess, Lindsey, Katie, Tal and Andy at Utah Lake
Jessica, Katie, Lindsey, Andy, Tal and Eli
Jessica, Katie, Lindsey, Naomi, Andy, Tal and Eli
I'm back. Sorry it takes me so long to post. I always think I have to do something really extensive like post a million pictures - which makes me feel overwhelmed so I just don't end up posting at all. So we have begun living the life of a lawyers family. What I mean by that is that not did Andy go out of town on a case for two days this week but he is also working all weekend. He did take a few hours off this afternoon to go to the zoo with us. We were joking that it's kind of like having visitation rights for a few hours a week. Actually, though I've discovered that it's not too bad as long as I'm expecting it. We knew that long hours were part of the package so I guess now it's about making the hours we have count. Of course, that's what I say two weeks into it - check with me in another couple months :)
The kids are great. Naomi is getting more and more expressive/demanding every day (as she sits here yelling at me). She has figured out how to fold her arms and she loves to jump - even if she can't get her feet off the ground.
Tal turns 3 on Tuesday! I can't believe it. I can see that 3 is definitely going to be more difficult than 2. He is WAY more opinionated and knows exactly what he wants. However, with the increased degree of difficulty comes an increase in awareness and articulation of what's going on around him. It is amazing to watch him grow.
I'm doing good. Still exercising - not quite as zealously as before but...:) keeping at it. Oh yeah, and we're buying a new house so trying to keep this one clean while we try to sell it keeps me really busy. We spend A LOT of time outside. Luckily, it's cooling down a little bit.
Love you guys!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Okay, okay
Okay, I know this has taken me FOREVER - but in my defense I was waiting to download some pictures and then our freezer/fridge broke so we were preoccupied with that. So here we are. It's been a while. We had a great 4th of July - BBQ'd with some friends and then watched (yes, I said watched not made fireworks) from our bedroom window. Andy's studying hard for the bar - two weeks from today, so it's really crunch time. I'm glad it's him and not me. Other than that we've just been hanging out - we did go to the beach with my neighbor. Her aunt has a beach house there and so she took her two kids and I took Tal and Naomi - it was really fun. We also went and saw Sicko - it's Michael Moore's new movie about health care reform. Now, before you swear it off - give it a chance he actually makes some pretty good points (Sorry I know we're kind of hard-up for entertainment down here) I guess that's it. What I want to know is where is Dustin - he hasn't blogged for like a week. Also, I just want you all to know that I check your blogs everyday even if I don't post very regularly.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
She's One!
I can't believe it's been a year! We decided to celebrate with some cake and ice cream. I thought making this cake looked like fun (I'm not sure how I feel about it now :)). All day long as I was making the cake Tal would ask me if we could sing Happy Birthday because he knew as soon as we sang it we could eat the cake. It's actually a miracle either of them are sleeping tonight because they had so much sugar today. By the way, this cake took me 5 hours and several tubs of icing not to mention the havoc it wreaked on my kitchen! However, I did enjoy playing house - I felt like Donna Reed (Jess, you probably don't even know who that is :))
Monday, June 18, 2007
So the kids and I just got back from a run. Let me just tell you what it's like to run at 7:30 in the morning in Houston. Imagine turning on the hot shower and running through it while pushing a jogger, then someone dumps a bucket of mosquitoes on you and you'll kind of have a rough idea. The good news is I lose about 3 pounds everytime because of all the water I lose :) Oh well that is my punishment for living so far away from my family! Love ya!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Hi ya!
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