Monday, June 18, 2007


So the kids and I just got back from a run. Let me just tell you what it's like to run at 7:30 in the morning in Houston. Imagine turning on the hot shower and running through it while pushing a jogger, then someone dumps a bucket of mosquitoes on you and you'll kind of have a rough idea. The good news is I lose about 3 pounds everytime because of all the water I lose :) Oh well that is my punishment for living so far away from my family! Love ya!


Jessica said...

yes. yes it is. oh and i know what it is like. i went running when i was there! do both of your kids just sit in one jogger? do they like it?

Lindsey said...

Yes, Naomi sits on Tal's lap for 5 miles every morning :) Ha Ha no remember I have the double jogger?? It only weighs 70 pounds so no big deal right??

Jessica said...

dude your such a nerd!

Kelsey said...

I didnt know you had a blog! You're in the cool club now! Is that the family picture you picked to like most?

Anonymous said...

lindsey you are amazing... if my running condition was like that, i probably would not ever run. props to you!

Sadie said...

keep it up. My boss decided that she wanted to do the half marathon with me and so we walk every night. Today it felt like it was 80 and humid and we walked about 4 miles in 45 mins. I think with the half marathon I won't worry about running it but just walk to strenghten my knees for when I run I marathon.