Thursday, December 6, 2007

Peanut Butter Shampoo

So today at lunch I made Naomi the usual: a PB & J. However, instead of eating eat she took the sandwich apart and starting rubbing the peanut butter in her hair. I guess our days with peanut butter are over.

Talmage is just getting to "know" about Santa Clause. So Sunday on the way home from church we were trying to explain how he worked in 3 year old terms. Pretty soon, Tal looked up from his car seat and exclaimed, "I LOVE Santa! He's like, like, like Jesus." So much for the spiritual learning taking place in our home!


Sadie said...

That is so funny about Talmage, I guess it runs in the family with Hunter singing John Jacob Jingle etc...
Lindsey didn't you see on the show How do I look? That peanut butter is a great natural conditioner. Naomi is very advance for her age.

Kelsey said...

Lol- that's so cute! They don't even understand this young! These ages are a blast, aren't they? WE need to get together!

Jessica said...

Thats my girl!!

The Cranney's said...

Yes penut oil is very conditioning. Naomi know more about taking care of her hair then I do. How sad is that. I can tell that your FHE are as spiritual as ours.