So my sister called me on Thanksgiving to remind me of this funny story from when I was first married. Andy's sister-in-law Marni and I had volunteered to bring all of the pies for the big day. At this point in my life (and now) I had very little experience in the kitchen but was under the impression that pie making was as simple as following a recipe. So I made my three pies - I was pretty proud of myself - they all looked edible enough. Then Marni comes I should mention that Marni has that touch...I swear everything she touches turns out beautifully - she is just very gifted in the domestic arts - Well, she walks in with her three pies and I felt like a halo was shining down on her pies...they were so beautiful. It was so funny I wish I had a picture of the contrast between the two sets of pies - I think they all tasted good but I wasn't taking any credit for the pies I made :) I think I just let everyone think I had as much to do with the impressive ones and the "not-so-impressive" ones. I had completely forgotten about it until my sister called to tell me she was laughing about it as she made her pies this year.
At any rate, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We missed our family but filled the day with friends and fun traditions. We had 5 families over for a big feast -we all brought something and it was almost easy! Andy had bought a 21 pound Turkey and I felt like I was wrestling a heavy-weight most of the time but it turned out tasty all the same. We are so grateful this year for all we have been given. I've decided that this year I am going to try to apply President Monson's advice to find "Joy in the Journey" - we have so much to be thankful for!

Didn't Andy do a great job with the table. This is our before shot!
The beastly bird :)

This is our group!

The kids table...we borrowed this little table from the nursery :)
Andy with his eggnog - he loves this stuff!!

Calvin and Ethan trying to absorb all the noise...

From their dads who played RockBand on the Wii into the night :)
Thanks so much Lindsey for giving us a peek at your Thanksgiving. We were thinking about you and I certainly don't remember about the pies. How funny!
It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! I don't even remember the pies you mentioned, but I can vouch for your great cooking!
Ok, sorry it's been so long since I visited your blog... you are REALLY not telling the pie story correctly. A. Did you see my lop-sided pie crusts? B. I have never made pie crusts since; opting to by the pre-made kind, and C. Lindsey's pies tasted FABULOUS! Give yourself a little credit, girlfriend!
Uh Lindsey - you haven't updated this since Thanksgiving? That was LAST YEAR!!! It's now February 2009!
Oh how the might halo player has fallen. Gerity truly is dead.
From, Mark
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