Okay, I know it's been a while but my camera battery died...what fun is a blog with no pictures of the kiddos:). Here's a quick update on what's been happening for the last several months!
- Spent a weekend in Boston with some great girlfriends - nope, I wasn't running the marathon (missed it by 87 seconds...yep still hurts) but my awesome training partner, Angela was. Andy stayed home with the kids - it was a blast!
- Found out we were pregnant with baby #4! Yay!?!
- Zipped to Paris for a whirlwind 5-day vacation sans kiddos (thanks mom and dad). It was incredible...the city doesn't dissappoint! It didn't hurt that one of the couples we were with spoke fluent french and had an amazing grasp of the city. We did it all - Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower, Versailles (okay, I can't spell any more of the places we saw - but trust me we saw them all). We even managed to spend our last day visiting the beaches at Normandy and an amazing castle (Mont St. Michel)
- Got back just in time for Calvin to turn 1! He is getting so big!
June:- Went to Seaworld...got food poisoning.
- Naomi turned 3! She had a princess party that was, frankly, pretty lame but what can I say it was the day after we recovered from the food poisoning.
(Random picture of us blueberry picking with the Smiths - does it look hot?)
- Went to Utah to see my baby sister, Jessica get married! It was great - and the weather was beautiful
- Found out baby #4 is a girl! Awesome - now the girl team and boy team are evenly matched. Elisabeth will be the name...Naomi is stoked (can I still use that word?)

- Hmmm...
- Tal turned 5!!!!! What happened to my baby? He got a new bike and Andy has spent the month convincing him to ride down the steps of the deck...ahh to be a boy!
- Halloween: So much fun! The kids were characters from the Wizard of OZ. Tal was the tinman, Naomi was Dorothy (thanks to Grandma who made the cutest costume ever!) and Calvin was the scarecrow!
And here we are in November. Nothing exciting yet...but stay tuned you never know...
Welcome back to the blogging world. You have been missed. And congrats on #4! Such exciting news!
Thank you thank you thank you. What adorable grandchildren some people have...
LINDSEY!!! You're back! Finally! Those kids are SO CUTE!!! You are such a beautiful family- I love the family photo!
P.S. Ha ha, Mom :)
Wahoo! Love the updates! Your family's the best!
We're glad you're back! Evan and I have missed you guys!
It's about time you started posting something again!!! I was getting sick of seeing the kite entry over and over again :-)
--Ben (posing as Whitney)
Yeah! You're back! Thanks for the recap on the last few months, I was really starting to feel out of touch... Love the Halloween costumes!! They all look great, Calvin is just too cute in his scarecrow outfit. I hope you are feeling well, we should arrange to skype again some time soon. Love to you all.
yay! a new post! :) thx for keeping us up on what's going on. ps how's the house?
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