Naomi has been taking a ballet class for the last few months. She loves it! I was afraid the excitement would wear off after a while but she still gets thrilled everytime. Tuesdays have become leotard day's at our house because she wears her ballet leotard ALL day long.
This Christmas her class put together an outing to the Houston Ballet's performance of The Nutcracker. I thought it would be a good opportunity to expose the kids to the arts so we signed up. In the end I decided Tal might like it too so he got to come along. Hmmm....not sure taking a 5 year old and a 3 year old to the ballet is the best idea but they actually did great! Other than the momentary fear of heights Tal manifested when he realized our seats were on the edge of a very steep balcony they loved it. Naomi has decided that she is the Sugar Plum Fairy (you know she has a great tutu!) and Tal is content to be the Rat King. It was so fun we may have to try again next year!

All dressed up and ready to go! Tal is the only boy. Someday that will be really cool :)

Tal refuses to have anything to do with oversized Rats. However, Naomi (probably trying to be contrary) ALWAYS wants her picture taken with them. Still, she doesn't look too trusting :)

On the balcony - you can see the fear in Tal's eyes!
It's over! Yes, the liked it but it sure feels good to run again!