Tal came downstairs around 9:30 a couple of weeks ago and told me that Calvin had found a crayon and drawn all over the pillow. Nevermind that they were supposed to be asleep at 8...what's a little crayon? So in my nonchalance I didn't rush upstairs...maybe I shouldn't have assumed that Tal understood the difference between a crayon and a marker. In any case this is what I found when I went into their room...

Wow! He looks really pleased with himself...really, I had to laugh it was so cute.

Save me daddy!

Didn't want to neglect the feet.

My camera battery was actually dead when I came upon the destruction...so what could I do but make him sleep with marker on his face :) You just have to use your imagination a little - it was actually worse when I found him :)
1 comment:
It's like it's a right of passage or something... why is it that every kid has to find something they can quietly make a destructive mess with while mom and dad think they are fast asleep?
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