Calvin is a scavenger - I mean a "hard-core-never-going-to-starve-even-if-I'm-stranded-in-the-middle-of-the-Sahara" scavenger. He has this sixth-sense regarding the presence of food. It makes me laugh whenever I find him in the middle of a scavenge - and it happens quite regularly...
Banana anyone? Notice that Calvin didn't stop with one...I believe I counted three conquered peels!
Calvin in the cereal cupboard - happy isn't he?

Naomi's Birthday Cupcakes. At least I got to him before he devoured the whole lot!
hooray! you updated your blog!! i really miss you. i haven't seen your new house yet....your should post pics :)
I've really missed you on the blog too. Calvin & hi s grandma have a lot in common...
ha ha ha! Mom, you are hilarious! I've missed you too Lindsey!
isn't he so adorable?!! maybe if you fed the poor chap, he wouldn't have to do it himself. hee hee
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