Thursday, September 9, 2010

First (sniff) Day (sniff) of (sniff) School (sniff)

No - it really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I am not a public crier and so surrounded by the hundreds of other moms in various stages of panic/celebration I was able to keep it together. A few highlights from Tal's first day.
As we got to the front doors Tal turns to me and says, "Mom, maybe I should walk by myself now." Um, I don't think so. Hello? I have earned some privleges as a mother and one of them is to walk my kids in for the first day of school thank-you-very-much.

After school as I was yet again trying to keep it together when I asked Tal how it went, "Great Mom! Just really really Great!" Okay. I guess that clears it up. No, I was not missed. No, my little baby did not spend the day wondering what his clever, witty, fun mom was up to. He just had a "really, really Great" time!

Naomi also started school. She gets to go to pre-school three mornings a week and she LOVES it. It's the great thing about having a big brother who makes everything look so exciting!

Practicing his "cool kid" stance

Getting ready for the send-off

Can you tell that Naomi wasn't quite ready to let him go?
In his class - ready to go. Wondering what his lunatic mother is doing.
Ready to go!
Calvin was definitely sad to say goodbye.
I'm such a baby - I was tearing up over this one too!


La Belle Belge said...

I still can't believe how big they all are. Such a beautiful little Laws clan ;-).

Julia said...

What cuties! Love the cool kid pose! You are so photogenic! I love the last pic. Also love your new layout!

Whitney said...

don't worry about tearing up, next year you'll have to stifle your cheers as you walk out of the school. OOOPPPS, I just outed myself :-)