Saturday, June 16, 2007

This is the Law Family Blog! Enjoy all of the cute stories they post about their adorable kids!

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

dear Lindsey,
If my computer wasn't so slow maybe I'd comment more often but considering it takes me an hour to read and comment on one or two blogs, I just run out of time. I love you hair cut but without you it wouldn't be so cute. and poor naomi is going to have a high voice if she sleeps like that very often. You better be careful social services will be coming looking for you if they get a hold of that picture. I really thinks it's funny though.
I have wasted my two days off doing a lot of nothing and now I'm getting frustrated because I need things done. I guess it's good I'm working full time because then I don't have time to waste or spend money I don't have.
Today I bought a wading pool for Talmage and a little duck that lites up in the water. I also bought him a cute plate and bowl and another bowl for Nomi. Oh, and I got a little wheel barrow also. I'm getting a little crazy but it is fun and his toys don't cost very much. Stay cool and I will too.