Sunday, November 18, 2012

"Something kind of good happened today..."

Tal: Something kind of good happened today. We were doing a fitness test in PE to see how many pull-ups we could do.  The record was four pull-ups and I did six!  Then everyone was giving me high-fives 'cause they wanted to be my friend!!

Talmage now knows one of life's little secrets.  People want to be your friend if you're freakishly strong.

I feel like I should give a shout-out to Tal's Aunt Rachel.  Law family legend is that in 4th grade Rachel out-pull-up'ed the entire class - including the boys.  Must run in the family.


Julie said...

So happy to see your blog. Please call us. We don't know when you're busy etc. so it's hard to call you and I miss all of you. A little note to add to the legend: Vernon Law, the baseball great, was Grandpa Law's 2nd cousin. SO not only are some in the family very, very strong, but they, including Andy, Ron,Kerry,David,Mark,Spencer and Stephen can throw a freakish long way.

Julie said...

So happy to see your blog. Please call us. We don't know when you're busy etc. so it's hard to call you and I miss all of you. A little note to add to the legend: Vernon Law, the baseball great, was Grandpa Law's 2nd cousin. SO not only are some in the family very, very strong, but they, including Andy, Ron,Kerry,David,Mark,Spencer and Stephen can throw a freakish long way.

Julia said...

Yes! Ha ha ha I totally thought of Rache when I read about tal's pull ups. Strong work, Tal! :)

Rachel said...

Go Tal!! Way to keep the legend alive :)