So in our house we operate on a team basis (Parents Team vs. Kids Team or Family Team vs. World Team, etc...) usually the teaming system we use is Girl Team vs. Boy Team - it makes it easier to navigate gender lines (girl team gets to wear lipgloss, boy team gets to pee standing up :)) While the Girl Team has been outnumbered for a few months I was dismayed to lose my only teammember on Sunday when I was taking Naomi up to take a nap. This is how it went...
Mom: Naomi, it's naptime.
Mom: (Scuffling - then dragging Naomi up to bed) Right now!
Naomi: (In tears) Mommy, I am not going to be on your team anymore!
Mom: Why not?
Naomi: Because you are taking me to bed.
Mom: Whose team are you going to be on?
Naomi: The BOY team!
Dad: (Smirking)
I think I could've handled the rejection until last night. I was filing in the office - an awful task to do with three kids ganging up on you. As I was getting more and more frustrated I had the sudden urge to scream. So you know what? I did. I screamed - I figured it was better then punching a wall and I wasn't screaming at anyone just letting off some steam. This is how it went...
Mom: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tal, Naomi and Calvin: (Silence, mouths hanging open, staring at me in horror)!!
Tal: Mom are you gonna kill us?
Mom: No.
Tal and Naomi: (Hysterical laughter at what a lunatic their mother is)
Tal and Naomi: (Hysterical laughter at what a lunatic their mother is)
Okay, so what was I supposed to do at that point but laugh and give them a big kiss. (Please note: he does not actually think I am going to kill him...) Remember that scene in Monsters Inc. when Sully scares Boo and then sees himself on the TV monitor and is shocked by how scarry he looks. Well, I used to tell Andy that is how he looks when he gets mad :) but now it would seem to apply to me too :)

One more thing: Who needs a dog? Tal is playing fetch with Calvin right now. Throwing a stick to him and saying: fetch boy...nice huh??
Love the stories! And your kids are so cute!
AAAAHHHA AHA HA HA HA HA! I was laughing out loud in the school library- which I deservingly got a few weird looks for...- You are awesome!I remember one time in the playroom when nothing was funny but you just started Laughing REALLY loud. Initially Rachel and I had the same reaction as Tal and Naomi (mouths hanging open). You said sometimes you just need to laugh. And I guess its ok to scream too. You ROCK!
Boy your kids are growing up so fast. They are so cute. How are you doing?
I love reading what your family is up to, wish you still lived in our ward, you guys are great.
I'm laughing so hard buggers are coming out of my nose.
from, mark
love love love it! so funny! aren't you so glad you recorded those stories for forever!
LOL! Your "babies" are so beautiful Lindsey (and Andy :). I can't believe how big and cute Calvin is already... Never a boring day...
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