Spring is here and we are loving every minute of it. March and November are definitely my favorite months to be in Houston - the weather is usually beautiful and we get to spend lots of time outside. Tal saw a Curious George cartoon about gardens and he has been asking me if we could plant peas and carrots so last Saturday we finally built our garden. We've never gardened in Texas so we're using this as an experiment - but succeed or fail we are having a great time with it. The kids love playing outside so I've attached a couple of pictures and a video - you'll notice Naomi is donning her favorite gear...a t-shirt and rain boots!
Sorry about my commentary - I always sound so dumb on video:)
I love how Tal and Naomi play together, and Calvin has grown a ton! Keep these posts comin Lindsey!
(You don't sound dumb on that video:)
your kids always look so happy!!
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