I have to give a shout out to my hubby...he is awesome!
Anyone who has spent time with us knows how much laundry we generate in a week. I still try and avoid doing laundry more than one day a week - which means I end up with about 7 loads in a day :) Imagine my horror when I opened my washing machine after the first load and found sopping wet clothes...my washer was totally broken leaving me with heaps of laundry and half-naked children running around my house. So I started doing some research - it turns out that this problem is typical with my washer and it can cost anywhere from $200 (if you replace the control board) to $500 (if you call Maytag to replace it) to fix it. Blah! So Andy and I started looking on the internet and found instructions for fixing it...$25 later Andy had succesfully soldered our control board back together!!!! $25!!! That is awesome...he is so handy...and handsome...and such a good dad...and handsome (just because I know this is going to embarass him :)) Love ya!
Dad would be so proud.
Go Andy for fixing the washing machine! That is a life saver... I have had no dishwasher for a couple of weeks, it broke down on us (yes, I know not as bad, can't be worst than handwashing clothes). But no, Tony has not fixed it(didn't really try either) but the "handy man" is coming in a couple of days so... I know, I'm sure Tony doesn't care because we didn't buy the thing so... let the landlord take care of it right... I do have to give him the hands up for putting more than a dozen light fixtures in about a week throughout the house when we moved in... That is a big deal for Tony ;).
Don't you just love that. I have been looking into wind turbines because we get a lot of wind out of the canyon every night they are so expensive. But I found some plans online that say you can build one for $100 or less. I still am working on convincing Ryan he just rolls his eyes and calls me a "tree hugger".
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