Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Calvin: Mom, I not hab a dood feelin bout dis. (Mom, I don't have a good feeling about this)

Calvin said this on our way to Stake Conference... I never have a great feeling about taking four tazmanian devils to sit through a two-hour meeting either.

Calvin: Mom, I cidenty boke you watsh. Sawy. (Mom, I accidentally broke your watch. Sorry)

Luckily, for Calvin it was already broken. This was his first attempt at "accidentally"...not his first attempt at breaking something...he has a knack for that.

Calvin: Mom, Yisbef on de counta adain. (Mom, Elisabeth is on the counter again.)

He's so good to keep tabs on his little sister for me. I'm sure she loves it too.

I love this stage of Calvin's development. I understand most of the things he is saying - but he still says them in such a cute way!

1 comment:

Julie said...

That is so cute. Thank you, thank you for sharing little Calvin.
Grandma Law