Monday, July 9, 2012

A Point of Clarification

My sister-in-law overheard this conversation between Tal, Naomi and her son, Evan when we were in Utah.

(Driving past one of the areas where a wildfire was raging)

Evan: I bet a dragon lives up there on that mountain (of course, where there's fire there are usually dragons)
Tal: No, dragons live somewhere else - not on this earth.  Dragons live in Hell.
Naomi: We're moving to Hell...because we're moving around the world.

Hmmm.  First, where did Tal get the idea that dragons live in Hell?  Maybe 1st grade is full of theological discussions on this topic.

Second, no we are not moving to Hell.  In fact, we are here now and other than being as hot as Hades it's quite pleasant.

Just to clarify.


Vause Family said...

We heard the news from Jared Tyson about your move. I would love to hear more about it. How exciting!!!

Rachel said...

Haha!! Those kids crack me up! I look forward to stories/pics of your new home. Hope you're enjoying it!