Thursday, September 2, 2010


I was just asking Tal about kindergarten. He was telling me about how some of the girls talk when they aren't supposed to...

Mom: So does your teacher yell at them?
Tal: No, she doesn't really yell at us because she cares about us.
Mom: Okay, well that's good (sheepishly wondering if he knows that even though I yell I still care)
Tal: Only, she does do mean things...kind of like a mom.

Thanks kid. Nothing like a healthy bit of perspective with your dinner.
Turns out, the "mean things" he was referring to were time-outs - so I guess I am a mean mom :)


mandy harline said...

That's awesome :) you're the best mom ever.... for real! Oh, and I'm LOVING all your blogging!!! Keep it up! Love you and miss ya!

Julie said...

That was priceless. You are a GREAT Mom.

Jen S said...

from the mouth of babes, they say. cute little thoughts from such a thinker!!